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Top 20 FREE VPN 2012

VPN stands for the Virtual Private Networks that will take your privacy to the next level. Privacy has now become the latest buzzword in the internet today owing to its unsecured nature. User perceive internet as an insecure way where all your private information is out in the open world.
Here are some of the best free VPN service providers that offer best services in the industry. Order of listing does not indicate there ranking.

1. Hotspot Shield: This free VPN solution offers you unlimited bandwidth and is available across all the major platforms.

2. GPass: GPass service provides us a free VPN access as well as web proxy services that can be used within your web browser. This service has many takers in China where many sites have been banned.

3. CyberGhost: This site gives you 1 GB of the encrypted traffic and is based on the Windows based hosting. Unfortunately once you register with them you will not be able to select the servers. You can surf the web but is unreliable for file sharing.

4. Its Hidden: This site was started as an anti-piracy measure to protect against the illegal downloads. This site offer free as well paid solutions.

5. SecurityKiss: This free service offer 300 MB of data transfer per day and has no cap on the speed. This requires you to download a small application and runs only on the Windows platform.

6. ProXPN: This free service is designed for Windows and Mac environment. This site works by a small application that is downloaded from its site. This service is completely compatible with iPhone.

7. HideIPVPN: This VPN service offers you free VPN accounts on its servers that are located in US and other countries. The website allows only 100 new free accounts so keep visiting this site to get it.

8. USA IP: This gives you the free PPTP, L2TP and OpenVPN testing accounts that are compatible with all the platforms today.

9. MacroVPN: This free service puts a limit of 2 GB transfer limit and 256 kbps speed.

10. VPN Reactor: This service is free to use and is available on all the major platforms. Best part is there is no need to install any complicated softwares.

11. ibVPN: This allows the users to surf the web anonymously without any trace. The entire programs run with highest level of security and anonymity. Every month the company offers 10 premier accounts for FREE.

12. PacketiX.NET: This is the VPN service of Japan. The service is actually a premier service but they offer online testing facility for free. This service is fast and reliable and works on Windows and Linux only.

13. OpenVPN: This is SSL/TLS based VPN that gives high security and privacy. You need to install an OpenVPN client and works only on Windows and Linux. It doesn’t works on mobile devices.

14. TorVPN: This is a great site that helps in bypassing various strict filters and you can browse anonymously on the internet. You can get secure your VoIP communications or get a remote access to your home Pc and workstation.

15. Your Freedom: This allows you to the access the inaccessible sites and other places on the internet. It hides your network address and allows you to use this service only for 6 hours in a day.

16. ProjectLoki: This is a free VPN service that is based on SSL secured connection. This helps you in protecting your private data and ignores certain restrictions.

17. Linkideo: This is a totally secured facility that allows you to surf the web anonymously and use online service without any risk or fear.

18. JAP VP : his free service allows you to surf anonymously over the internet and uses the static address that is shared by several users that makes them untraceable. This project is in its research phase and may not offer you those facilities that are offered by others.

19. Anchor Free: This free application will ensure your privacy and secure from spam and other threats. This application uses a common IP address that used for accessing the net. This is useful for banking transactions that are done on the secure HTTPS connection.

20. VPNTool:  This is another Windows based L2TP VPN tunnel that helps you in connecting to the remote computer in a secure and reliable way. You simply have to download the VPN client and an account with the site. You have to renew your account after every month.
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